Verità nascoste

Eredità visive della storia recente d’Italia

by Benedetta Donato, Azzurra Immediato, Chiara Ruberti, Enrico Stefanelli

Location: Palazzo Guinigi, Via Guinigi, 29

Opening days and hours:
Monday – Thursday from 15:00 to 19:00
Friday – Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00

Antonello Ghezzi
Giancarlo Barzagli
Paolo Cagnacci + Matteo Cesari
Emanuele Camerini + Chiara Ruberti
Alfredo Covino
Alberto Gandolfo
Martino Lombezzi

Bringing light back to forgotten stories and offering new perspectives on dark events. Collecting hidden legacies that belong to our recent past and are an important part of the history of our country and our culture. Photography illuminates the different paths to be traced and does so by creating a connection between past and present that can be understood as current testimony, indispensable for interpreting the present and looking to the future. To return to the place where an event happened, to see how space has been transformed, to mend the links that exist between people, territories, things.
Although they are different narratives, triggered by different matrices and approached with distinct modes of expression, the works in this exhibition have as their lowest common denominator the desire to interpret the reverberation of small and big stories of the past on the present through the visual element. Still or moving images, photographs and written documents, as well as sculptures and publications. The form is changeable, but the substance is to narrate and convey events of the past, creating representations that offer a new perspective by framing them from a new light. Widely foreseeable tragedies such as the Vajont dam collapse (1963) and the Viareggio railway disaster (2009); events of which not all the circumstances and responsibilities have yet been clarified such as the Ustica (1990) and Moby Prince (1991) massacres, the disappearance of Davide Cervia (1990) and countless other news stories, sometimes well known, sometimes forgotten; Mafia-related attacks such as the Christmas massacre on the Rapido 904 (1984) and the Georgofili massacre (1994); up to the events of the G8 in Genoa for which many of those responsible are still missing. The recent history of Italy is studded with stories of which different, partial and incomplete narratives have been superimposed over time, and on which it deserves today, with the right distance, to shed a new light capable of illuminating even its dark corners.

Associazione dei Parenti delle Vittime della Strage di Ustica
CRAF. Centro Ricerca e Archiviazione della Fotografia, Spilimbergo
Il mondo che vorrei ONLUS, Viareggio
Museo per la Memoria di Ustica, Bologna

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